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Table 8 The list of performance indicators with operationalization

From: Business process performance measurement: a structured literature review of indicators, measures and metrics





1/Financial performance


Sales performance

[Achieved total sales]/[planned sales] * 100



Inventory turnover

[Annual total sales]/[average inventory] * 100



Market share

% of growth in the last years [Sales volumes of products and services]/[total market demands] * 100

16, 57


Earnings per share (EPS)

[After-tax net earnings − preferred share dividends]/[weighted average nr of shares outstanding]



Average order value

[Aggregated monthly sales]/[monthly nr of orders]



Order growth

[Number of orders in the current month]/[total nr of orders]



Revenue growth

[Revenue from new sources]/[total revenue] * 100



Operating revenue

Sales revenues



Return on investment (ROI)

[After-tax profit or loss]/[total costs]

[Revenue − cost]/[cost]

57, 55


Return on assets (ROA)

[After-tax profit or loss]/[average total assets]

57, 16


Circulation of assets

[Operating revenues]/[assets] * 100



Current ratio

[Current assets]/[current liabilities] * 100



Net profit margin

[After-tax profit or loss]/[total operating revenues] [Total operating revenues − operating expenses − non-operating expenses]/[total operating revenues]

16, 57, 59


Profit per customer

[After-tax earnings]/[total nr of online, offline or all customers]



Management efficiency

[Operating expenses]/[operating revenues] * 100



Debt ratio, leverage level


57, 59

2/Customer performance


2.1/Customer performance


Customer complaints, return rate

Nr of complaints, criticisms or notifications due to dissatisfaction about or non-compliance of orders, products and services

Nr or % of orders returned, rework or services to be redone (e.g., incorrect deliveries, incorrect documentation)

27, 30, 37, 40, 51, 57, 59


Perceived customer satisfaction

Qualitative scale on general satisfaction (e.g., Likert), possibly indexed as the weighted sum of judgements on satisfaction dimensions (e.g., satisfaction with products and services, perceived value, satisfying end-user needs, being the preferred suppliers for products or services, responsiveness, appearance, cleanliness, comfort, friendliness, communication, courtesy, competence, availability, security)

5, 16, 22, 40, 46, 11, 55 57, 59, 58, 60


Perceived customer easiness

Qualitative scale (e.g., Likert) on the degree of easiness to find information and regulations, to fill out applications, and to understand the presentation of bureaucratic language



Customer retention

Nr of returning customers



Customer growth

Nr of new customers



Customer query time, resolution time, response time

Average time between issuing and addressing a customer problem or inquiry for information

30, 40, 46, 58, 59, 60


Customer waiting time

[Time for information about a product or service] + [time for following status updates] + [time for receiving the product or service]

Max nr of customers in the queue or waiting room

[Handled requests]/[total requests]

3, 40, 52, 59


Punctuality, delivery reliability

[Late deliveries or requests]/[total nr of deliveries or requests]

% of On-time deliveries according to the planning or schedule

16, 18, 26, 27, 40, 51, 55, 60, 73


Payment reliability

[Nr of collected orders paid within due date]/[total nr of orders] * 100



Information access cost, information availability

Information provided/not provided

Time spent in asking for information about a product or service (in days)

Time required to get updated about the status of a product or service

Cost of information (euro)



Customer cost

Product cost or the cost of using a service (euro)


2.2/Supplier performance


External delays

Nr of delayed deliveries due to outage or delays of third-party suppliers

26, 73


External mistakes

% of Incorrect orders received



Transfers, partnerships

% of Cases transferred to a partner


2.3/Society performance


Perceived society satisfaction

Qualitative scale on general satisfaction (e.g., Likert), possibly indexed as the weighted sum of judgements on satisfaction dimensions

% of Society satisfied with the organization’s outcomes



Societal responsibility, sustainability, ecology, green

Number of realized ecology measures (e.g., waste, carbon dioxide, energy, water)

Quantity of carbon dioxide emitted per man month


3/Business process performance


3.1/General process performance


Process complexity

Number of elementary operations to complete the task



General process information

Nr of orders received or shipped per time unit

Nr of incoming calls per time unit

Nr of process instances

6, 27, 52


Order execution

[Nr of executed orders]/[total nr of orders] * 100



Perceived sales performance

Qualitative scale (e.g., Likert) on the successful promotion of both efficiency and effectiveness of sales



Perceived management performance

Qualitative scale (e.g., Likert) on the improvement of effectiveness, efficiency, and quality of each objective and routine tasks



Surplus inventory

% of current assets

Value of surplus inventory (e.g., pharmaceutical material) to total assets ratio



Occupancy rate

Average  % occupancy, e.g., of hospital beds


3.2/Time-related process performance



Nr of processed requests/time unit



Process duration, efficiency

[Σ(finish date − start date) of all finished business objects]/[number of all finished business objects]



Process cycle time, order cycle time, process duration, average lifetime, completion time, process lead time

Time for handling a process instance end-to-end

Aggregated time of all activities associated with a process (per instance)

[Application submission time] − [application response time]

5, 6, 11, 37, 40, 43, 46, 60, 73


Average sub-process turnaround time, task time, activity time

[Sub-process start time] − [Sub-process finish time]

6, 37, 40, 52, 60


Processing time

Time that actual work is performed on a request



Average order execution time, order fulfillment time, order lead time

[Σ(Dispatch time − creation time)]/[total number of orders]

[order entry time] + [order planning time] + [order sourcing, assembly and follow-up time] + [finished goods delivery time]

7, 46, 60, 73


Average order collection time

[Σ(Collection time − creation time)]/[number of collected orders]



Average order loading time

[Σ(Final distribution time − distribution creation time)]/[number of loaded orders]



Process waiting time, set-up time

Average time lag between sub-processes, when a process instance is waiting for further processing

Time between the arrival of a request and the start of work on it (=time spent on hold)

Average waiting time for all products and services

3, 5, 20, 37, 46, 52


Manufacturing cycle efficiency

[setup time + (nr of parts * operation time)]/[manufacturing lead time]



Manufacturing lead time

[setup time + (nr of parts * operation time) + queue time + wait time + movement time]

18, 53, 55


Value added efficiency

[Operation time]/[manufacturing lead time]


3.3/Cost-related process performance


Activity cost

Cost of carrying out an activity



Process cost, cost of quality, cost of producing, customer order fulfilment cost

Sum of all activity costs associated with a process (per instance)

5, 11, 16, 18, 20, 22, 26, 27, 40, 43, 46


Unit cost

Nr of employees (headcount) per application, product or service



Information sharing cost

[Time for system data entry] + [time for system delivery output]


3.4/Process performance related to internal quality


Quality of internal outputs, external versus internal quality, error prevention

% of instance documents processed free of error

Number of mistakes

[Nr of tasks with errors]/[Total nr of tasks per process]

Nr of syntactic errors

Nr of repeated problems

Presence of non-technical anomaly management (yes/no)

5, 16, 18, 20, 22, 37, 40, 43, 46, 55, 60, 66


Deadline adherence, schedule compliance, due date performance effectiveness, responsiveness

% of Activity cycle times realized according to the planning or schedule

[Number of finished business objects on time]/[number of all finished business objects] * 100

16, 17, 18, 26, 43


Process yield

Multiply the yield per process steps, e.g., (1 − scrap parts/total parts)step 1 * (1 − scrap parts/total parts)step 2



Rework time, transaction efficiency

Time to redo work for an incident that was solved partially or totally incorrect the first time

Average time spent on solving problems occurring during transactions

30, 43, 57


Integration capability

Time to access and integrate information


3.5/Process performance related to flexibility


Special requests

Nr of special cases or requests


4/“Learning and growth”-performance


4.1/(Digital) innovation performance


Degree of digitalization

% Reduction in processing time due to computerization

[Nr of process steps replaced by computer systems]/[Total nr of steps in the entire process]

Nr of digital products or services

40, 46, 71


Degree of rationalization

% of Procedures and processes systemized by documentation, computer software, etc.



Time for training on the procedure

Measured in hours



Novelty in output

Nr of new product or service items



Customer response

Nr of suggestions provided by customers about products and services



Third-party collaboration

Nr of innovation projects conducted with external parties



Innovation projects

Nr of innovations proposed per quarter year

Nr of innovations implemented per quarter year



IS development efficiency

Nr of change requests (+per type of change or per project)

Time spent to repair bugs and finetune new applications

Time required to develop a standard-sized new application

% of Application programming with re-used code

6, 58, 66


Relative IT/IS budget

[Total IT/IS budget]/[Total revenue of the organization] * 100



Budget for buying IT/IS

[Budget of IT/IS bought]/[Total budget of the organization] * 100



Budget for IS training

[IS training budget]/[overall IS budget] * 100



Budget for IS research

[IS research budget]/[overall IS budget] * 100



Perceived management competence

Qualitative scale (e.g., Likert) on the improvement in project management, organizational capability, and management by objectives (MBO)



Perceived relationship between IT management and top management

Qualitative scale (e.g., Likert) on the perceived relationship, time spent in meetings between IT and top management, and satisfaction of top management with the reporting on how emerging technologies may be applicable to the organization


4.2/Employee performance


Perceived employee satisfaction

Qualitative scale on general satisfaction (e.g., Likert), possibly indexed as the weighted sum of judgements on satisfaction dimensions

Qualitative scale (e.g., Likert) on satisfaction about hardware and software provided by the organization

16, 43, 11, 57, 58, 59


Average employee saturation, resource utilization for process work

[Time spent daily on working activities]/[total working time] * 100

[Work time]/[available time]

 % of operational time that a resource is busy

3, 40, 46


Resource utilization for (digital innovation)

IS expenses per employee

% of Resources devoted to IS development

% of Resources devoted to strategic projects



Process users

Nr of employees involved in a process



Working time

Actual time a business process instance is being executed by a role




Nr of products or services handled per employee



Staff turnover

% of Employees discontinuing to work and replaced, compared to the previous year

16, 57, 58


Employee retention, employee stability

% of Employees continuing to work in the organization, compared to the previous year

16, 57, 58, 59


Employee absenteeism

[Total days of absence]/[total working days for all staff] * 100



Motivation of employees

Average number of overtime hours per employee



Professional training, promotion and personal development

% of Employees trained

% of Employees participated in a training program per year

Nr of professional certifications or training programs per employee

57, 59, 22


Professional conferences

% of Employees participating in conferences