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Table 2 The structured literature review protocol for this study, based on Boellt and Cecez-Kecmanovic (2015)

From: Business process performance measurement: a structured literature review of indicators, measures and metrics

Protocol elements

Translation to this study

1/Research question

RQ1. What is the current state of the research on business process performance measurement?

RQ2. Which indicators, measures and metrics are used or mentioned in the current literature related to business process performance?

2/Sources searched

Web of science database (until November 2015)

3/Search terms

Combining “business process*” and “performance indicator*”/“performance metric*”/“performance measur*”

4/Search strategy

Different search queries, with keywords in topic and title (Table 3)

5/Inclusion criteria

Include only papers containing a combination of search terms, defined in the search queries

Include only papers indexed in the Web of Science from all periods until November 2015

Include only papers written in English

6/Exclusion criteria

Exclude unrelated papers, i.e., if they do not explicitly claim addressing the measurement of business process performance

7/Quality criteria

Only peer-reviewed papers are indexed in the web of science database