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Fig. 2 | SpringerPlus

Fig. 2

From: The differentiation of common species in a coral-reef fish assemblage for recreational scuba diving

Fig. 2

Number of fish species and their occurrences determined from 52 consecutive surveys undertaken by scuba divers at an underwater station in southern Taiwan (based on data collected from St. A). Among the 284 fish species observed, 78 occurred once, 37 twice, and 19 three times. The first three represented 47 % of the fauna. Dashed line: y = 180.1 × e−1.1x + 17.7 × e−0.1x, R2 = 0.965; solid line y = − 0.39 + 63.5x−1 + 15.1x−2, R2 = 0.968

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