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Table 1 The collected variables inclusive their respective categories and definitions

From: The use of vanishing spray reduces the extent of rule violations in soccer


Categories and definition

Use of vanishing spray

True or false

Local category

Left/right near: On the sides of the penalty box

Left/right far: On the sides of the virtually extended penalty box between 16.5 and 35 m distance of the goal line

Central near left/right: Inside the virtually extended penalty box with not more than 26.5 m distance of the goal line (penalty box plus 10 m). Left and right are divided by a virtual line in the middle of the field drawn at right angle to the goal line

Central far: Otherwise, but within 35 m distance to the goal line

Players in wall

Numbers of defensive players in the wall

Violation of the minimum distance

True: At least one player passes the referees mark with his entire foot

False: otherwise

Massive violation of the min distance

True: More than one player commits a violation or a player reduces the distance by more than 1 m

False: otherwise

Punishment for violations

Yellow card: A yellow card is awarded

Verbal cautions: The referee corrects the players verbally

None: No punishment

Free kick retaken

True or false

Success of shots

OnTarget: A goal is scored, the ball hits the goals border or the goalkeeper makes a save

Missed: Ball misses the goal or is blocked by a player outside the wall

Wall: Ball is blocked by the wall

Success of crosses

Successful: A player of the offensive team is able to perform a shot or pass with the first touch after the cross

Not successful: Otherwise