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Table 2 Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) results of the overall sample: expectations of OCB for junior coworkers

From: Should more senior workers be better citizens? Expectations of helping and civic virtue related to seniority


Factor 1

Factor 2

Factor 3





Percentage of the variance




Help others who have heavy workloads



Help others who have been absent



Help make other workers productive



Help orient new people even though it is not required



Share personal property with others if necessary to help them with their work



Respect the rights and privileges of others




Try to avoid creating problems for others




Consult with other people who might be affected by their actions or decisions




Inform others before taking any important actions




Stay informed about developments in the company



Attend and participate in meetings regarding the company



Offer suggestions for ways to improve operations



Cronbach’s α




  1. N = 469; Extraction Method: Principal Axis Factoring; Rotation Method: Promax with Kaiser Normalization; Factor loadings (italics) less than .35 are suppressed
  2. aExpectations of juniors’ altruism
  3. b Expectations of juniors’ courtesy
  4. c Expectations of juniors’ civic virtue