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Fig. 5 | SpringerPlus

Fig. 5

From: Delineation of attenuation of oxidative stress and mutagenic stress by Murraya exotica L. leaves

Fig. 5

Graphical representation of antimutagenic activity of ethanol extract (a), hexane (b), chloroform (c), ethyl acetate (d), n-butanol (e), aqueous fractions (f) for TA100 strain of S. typhimurium showing the comparison between co- and pre-incubation in the absence as well as presence of S9 mix in AMES assay. Data represented is the mean of % antimutagenic activity ± SE of the triplicates. Means followed by same letters are not significantly different and followed by different letters are significantly different at p ≤ 0.05 using HSD Multiple comparison test. Letter followed by “asterisk” shows the mean of % inhibition ± SE of the triplicates in the presence of S9 mix

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