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Fig. 4 | SpringerPlus

Fig. 4

From: Diffusion tensor studies and voxel-based morphometry of the temporal lobe to determine the cognitive prognosis in cases of Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment: Do white matter changes precede gray matter changes?

Fig. 4

Correlation between DTI parameters and VBM scores: comparison with the next period. a, b Correlation between diffusion tensor parameters (a FA, b ADC) of the uncinate fascicles and the z-score of the parahippocampal gyrus of the next period. c, d Correlation between the z-score of the parahippocampal gyrus and diffusion tensor parameters (c FA, d ADC) of the uncinate fascicles of the next period. A significant correlation was found only in the comparison of ADC of the uncinate fascicles and the z-score of the parahippocampal gyrus of the next period (b) (right r = 0.39, left r = 0.46)

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