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Fig. 2 | SpringerPlus

Fig. 2

From: Contrasting effects of exogenous phosphorus application on N2O emissions from two tropical forest soils with contrasting phosphorus availability

Fig. 2

a Effects of P addition on the ratio of soil microbial biomass C (MBC) to CO2 emissions. b Relationship between soil Bray-1 P content and the MBC/CO2 ratio in the control soils. c Relationship between soil Bray-1 P contents and the differences of the MBC/CO2 ratios between control and P added soils (ΔMBC/CO2). MS meta-sediment rock soil, UB ultrabasic rock soil. Because of the experimental failure about CO2 measurement analysis in P-added soil, we report only 4 of 5 replications in MS in a, c

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