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Fig. 2 | SpringerPlus

Fig. 2

From: Comparison of CRISPR/Cas9 and TALENs on editing an integrated EGFP gene in the genome of HEK293FT cells

Fig. 2

A comparison of TALEN and CRIPSR/Cas9 on inducing targeted genomic deletions. a Genomic deletions detected using PCR. Arrow heads indicate deletion-specific PCR products cloned for sequencing. b Genomic deletions detected at day 3, day 10 and day 20 after HEK293FTEGFP cells transfected with paired Cas9. c DNA sequences of deletion-specific PCR products obtained using gRNA 1-1, gRNA 2-2 and Cas9. Target site PAM sequences in red, and gRNA-matching sequences in bold upper case letters. Predicted cleavage sites represented by green and red arrow heads. Inserted bases in blue. Dashes indicate deleted bases. d DNA sequences of deletion-specific PCR products obtained using gRNA 1-2, gRNA 2-1 and Cas9. The suspected second PAM in gRNAs is shown in blue, and predicted cleavage sites around second PAM are represented by grey arrow heads. e DNA sequences of deletion-specific PCR products obtained using TALEN pair A and D. The target sites of TALEN pair A in underlined boldface letters, and highlighted in yellow. The target sites of TALEN pair D are highlighted in green. Microhomologies underlined. f DNA sequences of deletion-specific PCR products obtained using gRNA 1-1, Cas9 and TALEN pair F

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