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Table 1 Research variables of BISE and characteristics of enterprise

From: Modeling the prediction of business intelligence system effectiveness

Variables and descriptions


Technological attributes

X 1

Promotion of data availability

X 2

Promotion of the heterogeneous information integration

X 3

Promotion of the multi-dimensional data storage and display

X 4

Promotion of ease of use of decision support systems

X 5

Promotion of the rapid aggregation and expansion of information

X 6

Promotion of information timeliness and flexibility

X 7

Promotion of information applicability

Human competencies attributes

X 8

Promotion of the rapid decision-making

X 9

Promotion of the ability to discover hidden problems

X 10

Promotion of the rapid communication and monitor of exception information

X 11

Promotion of the immediate responses of key performance indicators

X 12

Promotion of the accumulation of business intelligence

X 13

Promotion of the efficiency of decision support system maintenance

Supports specific business processes attributes

X 14

Support for service profitability

X 15

Support for new service development and customer acquisition

X 16

Support for service continuity and customer retention

Enterprise characteristics

Industry categories

Banks, insurance companies, bills finance corporations, securities firms, trust business companies and investment companies

Company capital

Under 3 billion dollars (excluding), 3–10 billion dollars (excluding), 10–30 billion dollars (excluding), over 30 billion dollars

Number of years the business has been established

Under 10 years (excluding), 10–20 years (excluding), 20–30 years (excluding), over 30 years

Total number of employees

Under 300, 301–1000, 1001–5000, over 5001

Number of employees in information department

Under 10, 11–30, 31–100, over 101

Number of years of enterprise having implemented BI solutions

Under 1 year (excluding), 1–3 years (excluding), 3–5 years (excluding), 5–7 years (excluding), over 7 years