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Table 9 Automated analysis method: FCO009

From: A catalog of automated analysis methods for enterprise models

ID: FCO009

Name: Requirement Compliance at Infrastructure Level

Dimension: Functional

Type: Correctness

Description: This analysis method aims to create an association relation between requirements and infrastructure elements such as devices, infrastructures services, or system software, when the element does not comply with the condition specified in requirements. The condition is given by the attributes: (a) conditionAttribute, (b) conditionOperation, (c) conditionValue, and (d) targetElements

ArchiMate Layers: Motivation, Infrastructure

Elements: Requirement, SystemSoftware, Device, InfrastructureService

Required Relations: None

Required Attributes: conditionAttribute, condition Value, conditionOperation, and targetElements in Requirement. \(\ll\)conditionAttribute\(\gg\) (e.g., availability) in all \(\ll\)targetElements\(\gg\) (e.g., Device)

Output: Report with the following information: (a) requirement name; (b) requirement attributes; (c) associated elements; (d) associated elements type; (e) condition attribute with the correspondent value, and (f) action (e.g., relation created)