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Table 8 Automated Analysis Method: FIC001

From: A catalog of automated analysis methods for enterprise models

ID: FIC001

Name: Impact of Removing Elements

Dimension: Functional

Type: Impact of change

Description: This analysis method aims to assess the impact of removing one element from the model by means of the use of the attribute remove in the element in order to simulate a logical removing process. The attribute remove is optional; then, the analysis method will analyze all elements that include the attribute remove with the value true

ArchiMate Layers: All Layers

Elements: All elements in the model

Required Relations: Any ArchiMate relation with any source and target element

Required Attributes: remove in desired elements

Output: Report with the following information: (a) element name; (b) element type; (c) impacted elements name; (d) impacted elements type; and (e) details that specifies the intermediate elements between the removing element and the impacted elements