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Table 7 Automated analysis method: QAV004

From: A catalog of automated analysis methods for enterprise models

ID: QAV004

Name: Application Component Availability

Dimension: Quantitative

Type: Availability

Description: This availability analysis method aims to calculate the availability of all application components based on the availability of the devices, system software, or infrastructure services that support them. The availability value of system software and infrastructure services is also calculated

ArchiMate Layers: Application, Infrastructure

Elements: ApplicationComponent, SystemSoftware, InfrastructureService, Device

Required Relations: Aggregation from Device to SystemSoftware; Realization from Device to InfrastructureService; UsedBy from Device, SystemSoftware, and InfrastructureService to ApplicationComponent

Required Attributes: availability in all Device

Output: (1) Enriched model with the attribute availability in all application components, system software, and infrastructure services. (2) Report with the following information: (a) element type; (b) element name; (c) availability value; (d) associated elements, which were used to calculate the availability; and (e) action (e.g., availability created or availability updated)