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Table 6 Automated analysis method: QHR003

From: A catalog of automated analysis methods for enterprise models

ID: QHR003

Name: Business Processes Participants

Dimension: Quantitative

Type: Human Resources (HR)

Description: This method reports all business processes relating their business actors and business roles. The relation between them can be indirect through business collaboration or business interaction. In addition, one business process can be composed by several business processes. In this case, the actor or role are related with both the container and the contained business processes

ArchiMate Layers: Business

Elements: BusinessProcess, BusinessCollaboration, BusinessActor, BusinessRole

Required Relations: Aggregation from BusinessCollaboration to BusinessActor or BusinessRole; Assignment from BusinessCollaboration, BusinessActor, or BusinessRole to BusinessProcess or BusinessInteraction; Flow from or to BusinessInteraction and BusinessProcess

Required Attributes: None

Output: Report with the following information: (a) business process name; (b) participant name; (c) participant type (e.g., BusinessActor or BusinessRole); and (d) details that specify the intermediate elements between participants and processes (e.g., BusinessInteraction or BusinessCollaboration)