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Table 1 Instrument dependant variables

From: Gender difference towards information and communication technology awareness in Indian universities




Adequate ICT infrastructure is available


Institution campus is Wi-Fi


Sufficient bandwidth is available for Internet


ICT tools/software are easy accessible


Institutions have clear policy framework to integrate ICT


Sufficient funds are available to promote ICT based research and development


Sufficient ICT tools/software and hardware are available in research laboratory


Institutions have E-library


Adequate E-journals/E-contents are available in library


E-contents are easily accessible/subscribed in library



ICT used in Planning and Management


ICT tools/software used in research and development are reliable


Use of ICT encourages research and project development


ICT is used to exchange the research information with other organizations


ICT used adequately in teaching, learning and research activities


E-journals/E-contents effectively using in research and development


ICT is used to access the E-contents from other libraries


ICT is used to learn the lecture/lesson from other institutions experts through video conferencing




Time consuming to integrate ICT into teaching, learning, research and development


Lack of readiness to adopt ICT technology in teaching and learning


ICT tools/software not user friendly due to lack of training



Need to increase the latest ICT infrastructure


Internet bandwidth should be increased


Need to increase E-journals/E-contents as per requirement


Need to enhance ICT in teaching and learning


Need for training/workshop to learn ICT tools/software and equipment



ICT increase the effective teaching and E-learning in classroom


Students and Teachers feel more professional, motivate, confident while using ICT resources


ICT provides more comprehensive material of a particular topic


ICT plays an important role in admission and examination


Integrate of ICT increase placement activities


ICT reduce the cost for information exchange


ICT helps in design to new projects in higher education


Successful ICT integration will brighten the future of higher education


Using the ICT available increases productivity in higher education