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Table 3 Mean ± SE area under response curve of LH, androstenedione, testosterone, and total estrogens in Group I (14–16 months), Group II (9–12 months), and Group III (6–8 months) Holstein × Tharparkar bull calves

From: Responsiveness of prepubertal crossbred bull calves to exogenous GnRH and its impact on reproductive hormones under tropical conditions


Group I

Group II

Group III

LH (ng/ml h)

67.7 ± 16.4a

69.4 ± 15.9a

39.7 ± 19.4a

Androstenedione (ng/ml h)

18.2 ± 4.32a

8.32 ± 2.93a, b

0.91 ± 0.35b, c

Testosterone (ng/ml h)

11.4 ± 2.22a

3.63 ± 0.53b

2.8 ± 0.59b, c

Total estrogens (pg/ml h)

115 ± 29.8a

169 ± 22.5a

128 ± 44.9a

  1. a, b, cMeans within rows without a common letter differ significantly by one-way of variance (ANOVA)