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Table 2 The analogy between epidemics and topic diffusion in the web forum

From: Epidemic model for information diffusion in web forums: experiments in marketing exchange and political dialog

Elements of SIR model


Topic diffusion in web forums

What flows


Idea/topic (keywords)

Susceptible: S(t)

People who can have contact with an infective and possibly will become infected

Possible authors (including commenters) who might read posts on a topic

Infective: I(t)

People who have a disease and possibly will infect others

Current authors who write posts on a topic

Recovered: R(t)

People who recover from a disease and lose the power to infect others

Past authors whose posts lose influence toward others

Infection rate: α

The probability of transmission in a contact between an infective and a susceptible

The probability of writing a comment or thread after reading posts on the topic

Recovery rate: β

The probability that the infective becomes recovered

The probability that posts lose infectivity

Recruitment rate: μ

The proportional increase rate of the population

The proportional increase rate of author pools

Carrying capacity: K

The maximum population that the environment can support

The highest value of the total authors that a topic can recruit