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Table 1 Summary of pros and cons of the ABRA system in open abdomen

From: Delayed primary closure in open abdomen with stoma using dynamic closure system

ABRA system delayed closure system



ABRA abdominal wall closure can restore lost abdominal domain and achieve complete repair of the musculofascial support of the abdominal wall, achieving primary closure. The sutures can be tightened at sequential dressings, preventing fascial retraction

ABRA abdominal wall closure requires two to three interventions in operation room under general anesthesia

No skin grafts required when using ABRA

ABRA system need a normal skin of 5–6 cm around the abdominal wound (in order to place the elastomers)

Reduction in the numbers of days to any closure

The possibility to need to be used in conjunction with another dressing system

The changes of VAC system and time in nurse and surgery cares are more expensive than ABRA system

There is no active removal of the fluids. So if the peritonitis is still active a dressing system with 24–48 h re-interventions could be the best option