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Table 1 Types of resource use included for children (Cha) and parents (Pb) or both groups (Ch-P)

From: Association between societal costs and treatment response in children and adolescents with ADHD and their parents. A cross-sectional study in the Netherlands





Medical consultations (Ch-P)c


Skills training (Ch)

Parent training (P)

Day-care treatment (Ch)

Hospitalization (Ch)

Medication (Ch-P)


Remedial teaching at school (Ch)

Agency for child welfare (Ch)

Weekend care (Ch)

Police (Ch)

Care after school (Ch)

Special education (Ch)

Diet (Ch)

Productivity losses


Absenteeism (P)


Presenteeism (P)

  1. aCh: Item included in the cost calculation of the children only
  2. bP: Item included in the costs for parents referred to their own health consumption because of their child’s ADHD
  3. cCh&P: Item included in both the cost calculation for the children as well as in the cost calculation for the parents, but costs for children are not included in the costs for parents
  4. dIndirect medical costs are excluded according to the Dutch guidelines for pharma-economic research (College voor zorgverzekeringen afdeling pakket 2006)