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Figure 2 | SpringerPlus

Figure 2

From: An atypical lateral hernia and concomitant inguinal and umbilical hernias in a patient with polycystic kidney disease and an intracranial aneurysm – a combined approach of clinical and radiological investigation, endoscopic hernia repair, and anatomical cadaver model documentation and a systematic review of the literature

Figure 2

Endoscopic (a) and anatomical cadaver (b) site documentation. (a) Lateral ventral hernia (orange arrows) lateral to the spermatic duct (yellow arrow) and the spermatic vessels (blue arrow) uniting at the inner inguinal ring. (b) The needle marks the hernia position between the sheaths of the lateral abdominal wall muscles. Hernia entry into the lateral abdominal wall is indicated by an orange arrow. The hernia remains within the abdominal wall (red asterisk designates transversus abdominalis muscle and internal oblique muscle fibres) below the aponeurosis of the external oblique abdominalis muscle (red arrow). The hernia is situated lateral to the spermatic duct (yellow arrow) and spermatic vessels (blue arrow) used as landmarks for the cadaver reconstruction of the hernia position. Note inferior epigastric vessels (turquoise arrow) and the genitofemoralis nerve (green arrow).

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