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Table 3 Matrix for assessing LCI of electricity datasets

From: Background qualitative analysis of the European reference life cycle database (ELCD) energy datasets – part II: electricity datasets

Quality indicator

Sub-quality parameters


1 (Very Good)

2 (Good)

3 (Fair)

4 (Poor)

5 (Very Poor)


Expert judgement based on the consideration of a technology mix

Technology aspects have been modelled as the technology mix

Technology aspects are very similar to the technology mix

Technology aspects are similar to the technology mix

Technology aspects are different to the technology mix

Technology aspects are completely different to the technology mix, or tech not deployed


Expert judgement based on geographical coverage of data

The list of countries is the same as the referenced countries

The list of countries is very similar to the referenced countries

The list of countries is slightly different from the referenced countries

The list of countries is significantly different from the referenced countries

The list of countries is totally different from the referenced countries


Expert judgement based on defined time on data inventory (±5 years)

All the data sources refer to the defined time

The majority of the data sources refer to the defined time

At least half of the data sources refer to the defined time

Less than half of the data sources refer to the defined time

None of the data sources refer to the defined time


Consideration of impact categories and share of elementary flows (to adjust the final rating)

15-16 considered impact categories

12-14 considered impact categories

8-11 considered impact categories

5-7 considered impact categories

<5 considered impact categories


Expert judgement based on the precision/uncertainty of data sources

Very low uncertainty and/or very high precision

Low uncertainty and/or high precision

Fair uncertainty and/or fair precision

High uncertainty and/or low precision

Very high uncertainty and/or very low precision


Definition of situation context and subsequent expert judgement of system boundaries, multi-functionality and EoL

Inclusion of all LCA stages (with the EoL stage). Consideration of allocation procedures. Completion in a very high degree

Inclusion of most relevant LCA stages. Consideration of allocation procedures. Completion in a high degree

Inclusion of a still sufficient LCA stages. Consideration of allocation procedures. Completion in a sufficient degree

Inclusion of a sufficient LCA stages. Consideration of allocation procedures. Completion in a low degree

No inclusion of sufficient LCA stages. No consideration of allocation procedures (multi-functionality has not been solved according to the situation context). Completion in a low degree