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Table 2 Mean scores and level of stigmatization

From: Extent of podoconiosis-related stigma in Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study

Stigma scores


Mean stigma scores (minimum, maximum)

Overall stigma

Enacted stigma

Felt stigma

40.7 (0, 96)

21.2 (0, 51)

19.5 (0, 45)

Mean stigma scores across domains (minimum, maximum)

Interpersonal interactions

5.54 (0, 12)

8.9 (0, 21)

Major life areas

7.0 (0, 18)

6.98 (0, 15)

Community, social and civic life

7.1 (0, 21)

3.4 (0, 9)