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Table 2 Reasons for non feasibility/lower feasibility of some recommended sorghum production technologies/practices as perceived by the personnel of the research systems

From: Feasibility and appropriateness of recommended sorghum production technologies

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Recommended technologies/practices

Perceived reasons for non feasibility/lower feasibility of the technology/practice in the farmers’


Use of organic manure (farm yard manure @10 t/ha or vermi-compost @ 7-8 t/ha at last ploughing)

FYM and vermicompost are not available in sufficient quantity. These are not economical to use in sorghum due to their high costs.


Seed treatment with14 ml Imidacloprid (Goucho) + 2 g Carbendazim (Bavistin) per kg of seed or Thiomethaxam (Cruser) 3 g per kg of seed.

Seed treatment with the recommended chemicals is not practical in farmer’s fields. These are adding cost also.


Seed treatment with bio-fertilizer (Azotobactor at 250 g/10 kg seed)

Availability of Azotobactor at grass root level is very difficult. Proper handling and use of bio-agents is technically uncomfortable.


Weed control manually 2-3 times at 15 days interval after 25-30 days of emergence

It requires more labourer. High wages of labourer and their shortage in peak season is serious problem.


Use of four irrigations (each irrigation at panicle initiation, boot leaf, flowering and grain filling stages)

There is scarcity of irrigation water in almost all the sorghum areas. If available, it will be used for other commercial or vegetable crops


Soil application of Carbofuron 3G @ 2 g/m at sowing to control insect-pests

It is not a regular practice and need laborer. It can again add cost which is not economical.