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Table 4 Job stressors: rotated factors, item loadings, and reliabilities

From: Relationship between bases of power and job stresses: role of mentoring





Factor I: Role ambiguity/lack of control


Not knowing what your supervisor thinks of you, how he/she evaluates your performance



Not knowing just what the people around you expect of you



Being unclear on just what the scope and responsibilities of your job are



Feeling unable to influence your immediate supervisor’s decisions and actions that affect you



Not knowing what opportunities for advancement or promotion exist to you



Feeling that you have too little authority to carry out the responsibilities assigned to you



Factor II: Overload


Feeling that your job tends to interfere with your family life



Thinking that you’ll not be able to satisfy the conflicting demands of various people over you



Thinking that the amount of work you have to do may interfere with how well it gets done



Feeling that you have too heavy work load, one that you can’t possibly finish during an ordinary day






Variance (%) (Total: 79.737%)



Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin MSA


Bartlett’s test of sphericity


Reliability (Cronbach’s alpha)



  1. Note: N = 195; **p < .01; Items are grouped for presentation purpose. Bolded loadings indicate the inclusion of those items in the factor.