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Table 3 Bases of power: rotated factors, item loadings, and reliabilities

From: Relationship between bases of power and job stresses: role of mentoring









Factor I: Personal power

He/she can make me feel personally accepted



He/she is a likeable person



He/she can make me feel important



He/she can make me feel like he/she is approved of me



He/she can make me feel valued



He/she can share his/her considerable experience and/or training with me



He/she possesses or has access to information that is valuable to others



He/she can use logic to convince his/her co-workers



He/she can provide me with sound job-related advice



He/she can convince workers by explaining the importance of the issue



He/she can provide me with good technical suggestions



He/she has the knowledge required for the job



He/she can provide me with needed technical knowledge



He/she can provide sufficient information to support my view



He/she can explain the reasons for his/her request



Factor II: Legitimate power

He/she can make him/she recognizes that he/she has tasks to accomplish




He/she can make me feel like I should satisfy his/her job requirements




His/her position in the organization provides him/her with the authority to direct their work activities




He/she can make me feel that I have commitments to meet




He/she can give me the feeling that I have responsibilities to fulfill




Factor III: Reward power

He/she can provide me with special benefits




He/she can increase my pay levels




He/she can give special help and benefits to those who cooperate with him/her




He/she can influence I get a promotion




He/she can influence whether I get a pay raise




Factor IV: Coercive Power

He/she can give me undesirable job assignment


He/she can make things unpleasant for him/her in his/her workplace




He/she can make work difficult for me




He/she can make being at work distasteful for him/her




He/she can administer sanctions and punishment to those who do not cooperate with him/her




Factor V: Connection Power

He/she has connections with influential and important persons



He/she has a lot of connection with others outside the organization



He/she knows a number of influential people




He/she maintains close ties with powerful others within the organization




He/she is in good terms with top people within the organization










Variance (%) (Total: 80.40%)






Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin MSA


Bartlett’s test of sphericity


Reliability (Cronbach’s alpha)






  1. Note: N = 195; **p < .01; Items are grouped for presentation purpose. Bolded loadings indicate the inclusion of those items in the factor.