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Table 2 Mentoring relationship: rotated factors, item loadings, and reliabilities

From: Relationship between bases of power and job stresses: role of mentoring





Factor I: Psychosocial support


Encouraged you to talk openly about anxiety and fears that detract from your work



Shared personal experiences as an alternative perspective to your problems



Conveyed empathy for the concerns and feelings you have discussed with him/her



Encouraged you to try new ways of behaving on the job



Conveyed feelings of respect for you as an individual



Encouraged you to prepare for advancement



Displayed attitudes and values similar to your own



Discussed your questions or concerns regarding feelings of competence, commitment to advancement, relationships with peers and supervisors or work/family conflicts



Given or recommended you for assignments that helped you meet new colleagues



Shared history of his/her career with you



Kept you informed about what is going on at higher levels in the company or how external conditions are influencing the company



Protected you from working with other managers before you knew about their likes/dislikes, opinions or controversial topics and the nature of the political environment



Factor II: Career support


Helped you finish assignments/tasks or meet deadlines that otherwise would have been difficult to complete



Given or recommended you for assignments that increased your contact with higher level managers



Gone out of his/her way to promote your career interests



Given or recommended you for assignments that required personal contact with managers in different parts of the company



Given or recommended you for challenging assignments that present opportunities to learn new skills



Served as a role model






Variance (%) (Total: 76.593%)



Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin MSA


Bartlett’s test of sphericity


Reliability (Cronbach’s alpha)



  1. Note: N = 195; **p < .01; Items are grouped for presentation purpose. Bolded loadings indicate the inclusion of those items in the factor.