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Table 3 Relationships between breathlessness indices and conditioning or ventilatory demand

From: Endurance-training in healthy men is associated with lesser exertional breathlessness that correlates with circulatory-muscular conditioning markers in a cross-sectional design

Total N = 62

IPAQ total

IPAQ walking

IPAQ moderate

IPAQ vigorous

ΔHR/Δ V O2slope

Peak O2pulse (% predicted)

Ventilatory threshold*

Δ V E/Δ V CO2slope


P = 0.0198

P = 0.6623

P = 0.3692

P = 0.0238

P = 0.0199

P = 0.0206

P = 0.1656

P = 0.8112


Rho = -0.309

Rho = 0.058

Rho = -0.119

Rho = -0.299

Rho = 0.311

Rho = -0.307

Rho = -0.184

Rho = -0.032


P = 0.0138

P = 0.7169

P = 0.1537

P = 0.0296

P = 0.0290

P = 0.0279

P = 0.1667

P = 0.8402


Rho = -0.380

Rho = -0.056

Rho = -0.220

Rho = -0.336

Rho = 0.341

Rho = -0.339

Rho = -0.213

Rho = 0.031


P = 0.0194

P = 0.958

P = 0.379

P = 0.021

P = 0.012

P = 0.031

P = 0.027

P = 0.725

V Emaxpred

Rho = -0.299

Rho = 0.007

Rho = -0.113

Rho = -0.294

Rho = -0.320

Rho = -0.256

Rho = -0.284

Rho = -0.045

  1. The table describes the statistical correlations (Spearman coefficient: Rho and the P value of the test) between isoventilation breathlessness indices (first column) and the different domains of IPAQ or conditioning markers or ventilatory demand (Δ V E/Δ V CO2 slope).
  2. *expressed as% of peak V O2 predicted.