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Table 2 Variation of hematological parameters of rats after treatment with P. pinnata methanol leaf extract

From: Antityphoid and radical scavenging properties of the methanol extracts and compounds from the aerial part of Paullinia pinnata

Blood parameter

Dose (mg/Kg bw.)






Cipro (7.14)

Oxy (5.00)


Hematocrite (%)

35.71 ± 4.71a

37.78 ± 3.76a

33.81 ± 6.240a

39.22 ± 2.51a

36.04 ± 1.27a

37.59 ± 2.13a

37.35 ± 2.44a

38.36 ± 1.58a

RBC Count (106 mm−3)

4.023 ± 0.096a

4.016 ± 0.090a

4.126 ± 0.138a

4.030 ± 0.160a

4.053 ± 0.070a

4.210 ± 0.253a

4.193 ± 0.209a

4.333 ± 0.145a

WBC Count (103 mm−3)

5.356 ± 0.741ab

5.320 ± 0.534ab

6.266 ± 0.862bc

7.553 ± 0.642c

6.606 ± 1.572bc

5.833 ± 1.264bc

4.040 ± 0.065a

4.070 ± 0.075a

Lymphocytes (%)

51.000 ± 4.582b

51.000 ± 6.082b

54.666 ± 4.163bc

65.333 ± 7.094c

65.333 ± 5.859c

52.333 ± 3.785b

45.000 ± 6.000b

33.333 ± 4.509a

Monocytes (%)

6.333 ± 0.577ab

6.166 ± 0.577ab

5.666 ± 0.763a

7.667 ± 0.288ab

6.500 ± 1.500ab

8.000 ± 1.322b

5.667 ± 1.154a

6.833 ± 0.763ab

Eosinophils (%)

0.667 ± 0.288a

0.833 ± 0.288a

1.000 ± 0.000a

1.667 ± 0.288b

0.667 ± 0.288a

0.833 ± 0.288a

0.833 ± 0.288a

1.000 ± 0.000a

Basophils (%)

0.833 ± 0.577a

0.833 ± 0.288a

1.000 ± 0.000a

0.833 ± 0.288a

0.833 ± 0.288a

0.667 ± 0.577a

0.833 ± 0.288a

0.167 ± 0.288a

Neutrophils (%)

37.500 ± 8.261a

36.333 ± 1.892a

35.667 ± 1.892a

30.667 ± 1.607a

35.167 ± 9.278a

37.333 ± 5.299a

40.833 ± 5.392a

54.833 ± 1.154b

  1. Across each line, values with different letter superscripts are significantly different, at p < 0.05. (Waller Dunkan test). Ref: values from animals of group 1, that were not infected and received distilled water during treatment; Cipro: ciprofloxacin; Oxy: oxytetracycline.