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Table 2 Details of patient reported imaging

From: Patient perceptions and expectations regarding imaging for metastatic disease in early stage breast cancer

A: Summary of patient reported perioperative imaging for distant metastases

Patients reporting at least one imaging test for metastatic disease (%)

198 (80.8%)

Reported imaging by site (% of total patients):



177 (72.2%)


137 (55.9%)


160 (65.3%)

Total imaging tests by site (% of total imaging):



300 (42.8%)


213 (30.4%)


188 (26.8%)

Total imaging tests (# per patient imaged)

701 (3.5)

B: Imaging details


Stage 1 (n = 88)

Stage 2 (n = 69)

Stage 3 (n = 40)

Unknown Stage (n = 48)

Thoracic imaging:


Reported in (%)

52 (59.1%)

55 (79.7%)

32 (80.0%)

38 (79.2%)

Total # of imaging tests of chest (% of total of 300)

82 (27.3%)

91 (30.3%)

59 (19.7%)

68 (22.7%)

Imaging details:


CXR only (%)

25 (28.4%)

29 (42.0%)

11 (27.5%)

15 (31.3%)

CT-chest only (%)

9 (10.2%)

4 (5.8%)

3 (7.5%)

3 (6.3%)

CXR + CT-chest (%)

18 (20.5%)

22 (31.9%)

18 (45.0%)

20 (41.7%)

Abdominal imaging:


Reported in (%)

38 (43.2%)

44 (63.8%)

29 (72.5%)

26 (54.2%)

Total imaging tests of abdomen (% of total of 213)

61 (28.6%)

60 (28.2%)

51 (23.9%)

41 (19.2%)

Imaging details:


US only (%)

23 (26.1%)

28 (40.6%)

11 (27.5%)

12 (25.0%)

CT only (%)

1 (1.1%)

7 (10.1%)

4 (10%)

4 (8.3%)

MRI only (%)

1 (1.1%)

1 (1.4%)

1 (2.5%)

0 (0%)

Two or more of US/CT/MRI (%)

13 (14.8%)

8 (11.6%)

13 (32.5%)

10 (20.8%)

Skeletal imaging: (all reported isotope bone scan)


Reported in (%)

45 (51.1%)

49 (71.0%)

35 (87.5%)

31 (64.6%)

  1. Legend: CXR: chest x-ray; CT: computerized tomography; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; US: ultrasonography; %: percentage.