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Table 16 Candidate variables with their reason for association with research question: factors influencing the choice of tinnitus masker

From: Mining and analysis of audiology data to find significant factors associated with tinnitus masker

Variables found

Reason for choosing the variable(s)


Tinnitus maskers were found atypical with moderate to severe hearing loss cluster of audiograms in Table 5, and Yule’s Q found tinnitus masker associated with normal or near-normal hearing loss cluster of audiograms in Table 9.


Yule’s Q found very weak positive association of males with tinnitus masker in Table 12.


Chi-squared test found BTE aids atypical of tinnitus maskers in Table 8. By using Yule’s Q, and Support and Confidence tinnitus maskers were found associated with ITE aids in Table 10 and Table 13 respectively.


Yule’s Q found weak positive association of tinnitus masker with Age < =55 in Table 11.


Mould was found associated with tinnitus with masker using chi-squared test in Table 8.