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Figure 1 | SpringerPlus

Figure 1

From: Large-scale solar magnetic field mapping: I

Figure 1

Netlogo Interface for nominal “Solar Field Mapping 1.07” model at 161 ticks time, with random seed 314159. The Display in the top middle is this model’s synoptic map of the photosphere, with the field entities shown. The display uses a Mercator projection, rather than the more common, solar equal area projection; consequently we have foreshortened the arrow sizes with latitude, to help illustrate this. Each "arrow" represents a "unit" of photospheric magnetic flux, 1023 Mx per blue or red arrow, and is pointed in the direction the flux is moving, relative to the fluid. The blue arrows are outward directed flux and the red, inward flux. On the left are the gray Setup and Go/Stop buttons to start the program. Blue slider bars and on-off switches allow the user to vary the model parameters without reprogramming. The white output monitors show numerous model outputs. The speed bar above the interface allows the model to run faster or slower. On the lower right side, plots A and B provide a synopsis of the run. Plot A shows the North polar field (Blue line) and South Polar field (Red line), and total Polar field (Black line) offset by 60 units, to improve the appearance. The tick marks at the bottom of this plot show polar field maxima, equivalent to sunspot minima. Plot B shows the latitude of new active regions. There is a graphing quirk; one cannot show two values at the same time, nor skip a value, so the graph plots a zero then. Hence the graph does not appear like a traditional butterfly diagram.

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