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Table 2 Exercise performance, hormonal, and body composition values after six weeks of the ACSM minimum guidelines for aerobic exercise

From: The effects of a formal exercise training programme on salivary hormone concentrations and body composition in previously sedentary aging men


Week 0

Week 6

VO2max (ml·kg·min-1)

26.85 ± 5.31

28.55 ± 4.80

p = .012

VO2max (L·min-1)

2.38 ± 0.46

2.51 ± 0.43

p = .035

Peak power output (W·kg-1)

7.58 ± 1.68

7.77 ± 1.58

p = .580

Peak power output (W)

672.80 ± 157.98

682.7500 ± 152.13

p = .344

Testosterone (pmol·L-1)

378.80 ± 127.33

484.30 ± 182.35

p = .010

Cortisol (nmol·L-1)

2.76 ± 1.47

3.20 ± 1.45

p = .156

Total body mass (kg)

90.44 ± 18.09

89.28 ± 17.36

p = .003

FFM (kg)

63.76 ± 8.69

64.70 ± 8.01

p =.084

Body fat percentage (%)

28.73 ± 5.00

26.69 ± 5.20

p =.003

  1. Values are mean ± SD; VO2max = maximal oxygen uptake, FFM = fat free mass. p values are reported for differences between week 0 and week 6.