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Table 4 Mean values of leachate amounts, concentrations and leaching loads of different forms of P for the four leaching events before P applications

From: Phosphorus leaching from loamy sand and clay loam topsoils after application of pig slurry


Leachate mm

Total P




Conc., mg L-1

Load, kg ha-1

Conc., mg L-1

Load, kg ha-1

Conc., mg L-1

Load, kg ha-1

Clay loam

16.4 a

0.13 a

0.020 a

0.05 a

0.007 a

0.08 a

0.013 a

Loamy sand

18.1 b

0.21 b

0.038 b

0.14 b

0.026 b

0.07 a

0.013 a

  1. Small letters (a, b) indicate significant differences within each table column (α=0.05; n=15 for clay loam; n=16 for loamy sand).