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Table 3 Characteristics of IV to PO conversion therapy types in patients that were switched to oral agent and its effect on the length of IV therapy and length of stay

From: Practice of switch from intravenous to oral antibiotics

Type of conversion

Frequency, %

Switch over*



62 (52.5)


2 (1.7)


18 (15.3)


36 (30.5)

Days of IV therapy (mean ± SD)

2.86 ± 1.16

Length of hospital stay (mean ± SD)

6.56 ± 0.24

  1. Chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests used for statistically significant differences.
  2. Student t- test was used to analyze the length of hospital stay and duration of IV.
  3. *P-value <0.0001.
  4. Abbreviations: IV intravenous, PO oral, SD standard deviation, % percentage.